Saturday, June 29, 2013

found this really interestn........10 Facts about Women

1. A woman is such a school you will never graduate
2. A woman is not like 'detol advert', if you don't take
care of her...others will.
3. Your wedding certificate with her is not a "driving
License"; its just a"learners permit"!
4. It takes time for a woman to trust a man, its hard to
change when she does, but if you mess up, you might
just forget it.
5. She can be a very bitter pill, and a very sweet angel,
it all lies in your approach.
6. A Woman hardly forget things;she remembers the
past easily and this hurts them more, avoid getting her
7. A Woman can be highly secretive..most times when
they prove hard to men, they go to their closest friends
to cry!
8. ALL Women 'love' to be begged!They love it more
than they love men often!
9. When a woman is angry, over half of what she says-
she doesn't mean it...
10. The most difficult time for a woman is when she is
away from the man she loves!

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