Thursday, June 27, 2013

Words from Marble!! Eating a humble pie is not bad after all, it's your ability to integrate and never take life so serious, hence it's devastating effects to health, live everyday like its the last, life is a journey on its own and it ends 6 feet below when the timing is appropriate as apportioned for all, unfortunately we all owe DEATH, think about the legacy you bequeath when the time is up, money, fame, power, imposition are all worldly and earthly pecuniary acquisition. Only the foolish thinks about today and forgets tomorrow. Life is a very short journey but most ignorants chase it as if it can guarantee eternity, everybody has their time and when it's up, no amount of shekels or money would even buy you extra life, what profit is it for a Man to gain the whole world and lose his life? Abacha did more than any, where is his legacy today. Forgotten. Many are treading same ignominious path

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