Saturday, July 13, 2013


The 12th of June 1993 is ever Fresh in the memories of Nigerians,even though ¶ wasn't born by then ¶ still have an adequate knowledge of the events of that day.Here is a captivating and fascinating Note written by Late M.K.Oo°ÚÚÚ° Abiola on the account of his meeting with the former secretary General of the United nations sir koffi annan

I never met Kofi Annan before. In fact, I never knew that Boutros Ghali was no longer UN Secretary-General. Annan was sure I knew him and for the first 30 minutes, I did not know who I was talking to. In the circumstances, I had to tell him that I had no access to any media for four years and was out of date.

He got the message and then introduced himself and intimated to me the many steps he has taken for my release since 18 months in office.

Next, he told me the new head of state had agreed to release me unconditionally but Abubakar wanted an undertaking that I should not seek for my mandate. I told him at that point that, that in itself is the worst of conditions. He, the head of state, felt that any such renewed request will only cause “confusion” as it would not have any effect.

Annan told me that nobody in the international community will recognise me on the basis of a five-year old mandate, insinuating that but for the purported annulment, I would have finished the first term covered by my election of June 12, 1993. He ended by saying that such undertaking will facilitate my release. I interjected that my detention would have ended ages ago if I had given such undertaking.

I thanked him for his efforts on my behalf. I told him firmly that I can give no such undertaking as requested because it will be worse than useless. My declaration was made in public at a mass rally at Epetedo, Lagos, before thousands of people despite the heavy downpour of that evening. It was made in clear terms, without any ambiguity. I then surrendered myself for arrest and was put on trial, which continued until my affidavit of October 4, 1994 showed the federal military government in a no-win situation.

Nothing on June 12 has been done “under the table” or at a “secret meeting” because June 12 is the number one public matter in our country. Even the counting of votes was done openly and in public at every one of the over 209,000 voting centres throughout the nation.

Secondly, given a “private declaration” to secure my own release will make all concerned look cheap. Such “declaration” obtained under duress will not only be worthless but unworthy of all who are involved with it. Since the issue relates to the mandate of all Nigerian people, such a private statement will amount to “shaving our people’s heads in their absence” – an exercise in illusion.

On the issue of non-recognition because of the elapse of time, I told Annan that I do not believe it. And the case for my recognition by the London Times of last Friday (July 3, 1998) proved me right. If what Annan said were true, it would amount to a person (the federal military government) being allowed to profit from his illegal action – the purported annulment which they had no power to do with decree and four-year detention – another illegality.

My own concession on the issue of declaration in my statement to him is that I will not make any fresh declaration.

Firstly, because it will not be necessary anymore since the first one of June 11, 1994 has served the purpose fully to keep June 12 alive. I told him that the state in which June 12 is now is such that I can now, on my release, take time to check my health locally and abroad, rebuild the cohesion of my family which has become tattered by the events of the past five years in general and the brutal assassination of my senior wife, Kudi and of course, breathe life into my business. This is because June 12 is today a major world issue, compared with the situation four years ago when it was in a coma

............Watch out for PART22222

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