Sunday, July 14, 2013

Happy birthday Mr speaker Sir

Thank you for allowing me
the opportunity
to learn from you
when I was seeking so much knowledge
when I was asking many questions
you patiently listened and answered accordingly
never showing signs of frustration

Thank you for taking the time
to show me the necessary skills today
that will lead me with confidence into tomorrow
for believing in me and having enough faith
to share your work
your dreams
and your vision

Thank you for accepting me as I am
with all my eagerness
and my sheer joy over the little things...
you never tried to squelch that spirit in me
Instead, you have encouraged that spirit
and for that, I do thank you

The day you came into my life
My mind started to take flights
You made me realize the Magaret Thatcher in me
You made me realize how high ¶ can soar
You placed my foot on the path
You are my mentor

May you live a long life
Full of gladness and health
May your dreams come true
May the kindness you spread,
Keep returning to you!
Bigger you shall grow Mr Speaker

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