Monday, July 15, 2013


I dream of a country where all men would live in peace
And there would be nothing like wars or Boko Haram to break us apart.
I dream of a time when all tribes would speak one language called peace
And there is equality for all.

I dream of a land when religious sentiments are set aside
And unity would strive amongst all.
A time when all will share the nation’s wealth as one
And not a few acting as lords over all.

I dream of a land where corruption is killed
And transparency becomes a friend of all.
A land where everyone will put on the garment of purity
And the stains of kidnapping, oil bunkery, armed robbery
Money laundering, examination malpractices
And all forms of filthiness are cleansed from all hearts.

I dream of when laws are made and obeyed by all.
A time when the bridge that exist between the rulers
And the ruled is slain and only great minds are enthroned
And not selection through violent elections.

I dream of a time when citizens no longer live in fear.
A time when the future of tomorrow’s leaders are guaranteed
Only then will the dividend of democracy is defined.

I seek for a time when past glories is restored in our sports
And we would not have to struggle for medals anymore.
A time when good roads are seen
And citizens no longer sleep on roads.
A time when all will turn farmers
And we would not have to import what we have any longer.
A time when citizens would no longer queue for fuel in our petrol stations.

I long for when citizens will be willing to help the nation
And no longer beg for the nations help.
A time when the Greenland across the globe is pronounced
And citizens speak no evil of this land anymore.

This Greenland,
The land of my birth
May my dreams for you be fruitful
Even as you celebrate longetivity on earth.

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